When used in combination and as directed, our Flood Protection products have been independently verified by UL Solutions to hold back 3ft of water for 14 days on gaps up to ½ inch.
Our Flood Protection Starter Kit includes Flood Protection Paste in a Cartridge, Flood Protection Liquid, plus other tools to help with application.
Flood Protection Paste in a Cartridge is our primary Flood Protection product that should be used as a base coat for your first layer of protection.
Flood Protection Liquid should be used as a final coat of protection to help seal any small pinholes or openings that may have been missed.
Once waters recede, both Flood Protection Paste and Liquid can be easily removed.
For detailed "how-to" video instructions, please visit our site.
Patent Pending for Products and Uses.
Always follow State and Local weather advisories and evacuation orders. Depending on the age and type of construction, there may be areas that cannot be seen or sealed. Unsealed porous surfaces may seep water during extended underwater exposure. Not designed to protect against extreme winds, water pressure, flying or floating debris. Not intended to stop water from flash floods or if there is structural damage to the building.
For best results, use our FLEX PASTE FLOOD PROTECTION IN A CARTRIDGE as the base coat for the first layer of protection, and our FLEX SEAL LIQUID FLOOD PROTECTION as a final coat to help seal openings that may not be visible.