Dusk to dawn light sensor: This sensor light bulb will lights up automatically at night, goes off during the day, so it can be used as the security light in your front door, porch, yard, patio.
Save Energy bills: This 6W led dusk to dawn light sensor bulb can replace a 40 watt incandescent light bulb, and save energy bills for lighting off automatically at night.
Easy to install: This A19 E26 led bulb can fit most fixtures. It is perfect for home lighting.
Wide application: This indoor outdoor sensor light bulb can be installed in porch, hallway, pavement, front door, garage, driveway, patio, stairways, outdoor sconce lights, etc.
Satisfied Guarantee: 30,000 hours lifetime and it is backed by a 1-Year warranty. If you have any questions with our product, please contact us anytime.
Pack of 4